26 septembre 2006
What About Mental Toughness?
I'm pleased to cite my colleague Mark McGee from the City paper:
You have players at different points in their lives, said Trotz. “They are at different spectrums emotionally and mentally. This is an opportunity for a guy like Paul Kariya to room with Jordin Tootoo. Toots has a little bit of a wild side to him, and Paul is very disciplined so you try to balance those things.”
You have players at different points in their lives, said Trotz. “They are at different spectrums emotionally and mentally. This is an opportunity for a guy like Paul Kariya to room with Jordin Tootoo. Toots has a little bit of a wild side to him, and Paul is very disciplined so you try to balance those things.”
11 septembre 2006
Jordin Tootoo Bobblehead!
Hey Jordin’s Fan!
Planning a trip to Milwaukee?
07 septembre 2006
Tootoo 2.0
Chèrs amis francophones. Ces lignes sont les dernières en langue française. Comme je m'appercois que les vrais fans de Jordin lisent avant tout l'anglais, je me fais maintenant un devoir d'écrire mes messages en langue anglaise. Continuez tout de même à me lire et à me faire des commentaires. Malgré l'achalandage plus qu'impressionnant, je m'impose de répondre à vos messages dans les 30 jours suivants...
As everyone knows in Canada the NHL saison is coming...
The Question: Can we expect more from the Kid?
The Answer: We all know that he delivers!
As everyone knows in Canada the NHL saison is coming...
The Question: Can we expect more from the Kid?
The Answer: We all know that he delivers!